Adult and child on the footpath. Chad says the driver, who was new to the industry, was most likely unfamiliar with how to navigate the tricky, mountainous roads of Colorado. Cars entering this intersection. Gain insights into your fleet fuel use and identify ways to improve efficiency. Checking the intersections. Thats a huge amount of weight hitting you.. Examples of risk and hazard are below in the article to better understand the difference. Oversteering often happens when the driver takes a bend or lane-change too quickly, when the surface of the road is slippery. This includes foggy or rainy conditions in which visibility is decreased and can result in poor decision making leading to accidents. The driverFactors to consider in relation to thedriver of the vehicle, such as their competence and/or experience of the type of drivingAll drivers, however, should know the basics, such as: the correct adjustment of seats, headrests and seatbelts for comfort and safety; how to check tyre pressures, lights, indicators, windscreen washer levels; how to use ABS (anti-lock braking systems) if fitted; the safest way to distribute and secure any load they may be carrying; and the height of the vehicle (goods vehicles).The vehicleSuitabilityThis means making sure that the vehicles are fit for the purpose for which they are used, which raises questions such as: What are the safety standards for the particular vehicle(s) in respect of driving andpublic health and safety? Is the vehicle suitable for the job in hand? How well does the vehicle measure up to the ergonomic needs of drivers? Should vehicles be hired or leased and what impact will this have on how maintenance will be undertaken? Is it better to allow employees to use their private vehicles on company businessCondition of vehiclesEmployers will have toensure that adequate maintenance arrangements exist and that repairs or service are carried out to an acceptable standard and that manufacturersrecommendations are observed in respect of safetycritical features. What to Do: Your instinct might be to put on your high beams to better illuminate the road ahead. And one of the best pieces of advice he can give has absolutely nothing to do with an automobile. Dual lane, one way road. ; In fact, you will increase the life of your brakes by a few months (or even years, depending on how much steep downhill driving you do) if you simply use engine braking whenever possible rather than actually pressing the . Significantly reducing your speed is the only way to stay safe when driving through fog. Pedestrian crossing. Parked cars on both sides. As the economy grows, so does the demand for supply. The first time you spray it on, youll get a crusty, filmy look, which is all the wax youre dissolving., If your windshield is clean but the rain is still obscuring your vision, then youre probably driving too fast for the wipers to clean the glass efficiently. As you are about to enter a decline, reduce your speed below your features activation threshold. All rights reserved. Intersections on both sides. Car pulling out. vehicle merging into your lane or stopping suddenly in front of you. Car crossing ahead. Instead, pull the visor down and then push it all the way toward the windshield, then slowly bring it forward until it blocks the sun. To recover from hydroplaning, do not panic or brake suddenly this will only worsen the situation. Unfavorable weather and road conditions can create hazards that make driving difficult, and more dangerous. Signs up ahead. Pull over to the side of the road if you encounter glare severe enough to completely obscure other vehicles or road signs. Brake or steer to safety if a hazard enters your downhill driving path. Both front and rear-wheel traction loss can be corrected by looking and steering in the direction you wish the vehicle to go. Vehicles changing lanes up ahead. You must learn how to identify and compensate for these hazards, to protect yourself and other road users from harm. If a driver is not paying attention, it may be easy to lose control. When driving downhill, scan the road ahead for any dangers and be prepared to steer to safety if necessary. Pumping the brake pedal repeatedly C.) Resting your foot on the brake pedal Get the Correct ANSWER Using your brakes continually for an extended period of time may result in overheating, which could result in brake failure. Brainscape helps you realize your greatest personal and professional ambitions through strong habits and hyper-efficient studying. Every driver must have a basic understanding of the tactics required to free a vehicle that has become stuck in snow, ice or mud. In addition, floor surfaces should be properly maintained and suitable for the location and activities being undertaken. This includes using cell phones/smartphones, eating, drinking, adjusting the radio, etc. Dont. Additional hazards could include stored energy in the form of compressedair, hydraulic systems or heat from engine components. Vehicle turning across our path up ahead. This vital conclusion to our highway driving section reiterates the safe highway driving practices you must adhere to, discusses the importance of planning for your trip and teaches you how to handle an emergency on the highway. Select your state to get started. Driving in the rain can be every bit as dangerous as driving in icy or snowy conditions. In instances like these, fleet and safety managers that use Motives fleet management system would be alerted when aggressive driving events (hard cornering and braking) are triggered. Some of the hazards mentioned above (e.g. This training would be carried out in a designated area away from other employees.3. Parked cars on the right. When vehicles meet on a steep, narrow road which is not wide enough for two vehicles, the vehicle going downhill must yield the right-of-way by backing up to a wider place or by stopping to leave sufficient space for the vehicle going uphill, except where it is more practical for the vehicle going uphill to return to a wider space or turnout. Making journeys when traffic flows are reducedTimeSufficient time should be allowed for journeys to be undertakenDistanceThe distances that are driven may well have a bearing on safety.Weather conditionsWeather conditions can create additionalproblems when planning journeys. one hazard associated with driving downhill is: To compensate for low visibility, reduce your speed and make sure your headlights, taillights and windshield are all clean. You must drive slowly enough so that your brakes can hold you back without getting too hot. Dealing with the vehicles coming towards us. This is where the shovel comes in handy. You can get the details on .) When you are going down, gravity works against your intent to slow down . You dont want power of any kind going to the wheels, Solomon says. You may still encounter crashes irrespective of how careful you are, as you cannot rely on other drivers to make safe decisions all the time. When your visibility or vehicle control are impaired by adverse conditions, the guidance provided here and in your states driving manual will help you handle the situation. All Rights Reserved. Rural Roads Have Lots Of Varying Surfaces One hazard associated with driving downhill is: - 13345410 List factors to be considered in assessing risks for the driver, journey and the vehicle? 2. In both situations you should ease off the accelerator and brake, so that the wheels begin to roll and regain traction. If youre in a skid, you may have to keep your foot on the accelerator a little bit to force the wheel to move forward.. Suitably designated parking areas for vehicles should be provided, preferably away from pedestrian or working areas. Cars approaching. You can get the details on Flash your hazard lights to warn other drivers. slippery road surface after rain. This would take into account factors such as weather and perhaps the possibility that indoor floors might become wet and slippery (e.g. It makes for fine gothic horror movies and 80s music videos, but fog is otherwise a hazard. Read your owners manual.) Mountain Driving | Scanning through the corner. Looking amongst the parked cars. If youre stuck, make sure you have enough room to move the car forward and backward and that there isnt any snow blocking the exhaust pipe. Never leave children or animals in a car unattended on a hot day. Checking the footpath. 1.5 H&S Management Systems Measuring, Audit, Review, 2.3 Musculoskeletal Hazards And Risk Control, 2.4 Work Equipment Hazards And Risk Control, 2.7 Chemical And Biological Health Hazards And Risk Control, 2.8 Physical And Psychological Health Hazards And Risk Control. Blind spots. If I can see their reflection, then they can probably see me.. Above all, take the deer crossing signs seriously and go slow. When ascending on a steep hill, maintain a steady speed by applying more pressure on the accelerator. Traffic lights up ahead. Vehicle Movement Hazards and Control Measures - Occupational Health and Cars stopping in front. What to Do: What I want to do is encourage them to pass me, Solomon says. What are the risk factors associated with driving at work? This early detection gives them more time to make a decision about the hazard and respond to it appropriately. All rights reserved. Recognized as a Best Remote Large Places to Work. Looking through the rear windscreen of the vehicle in front for brake lights. Sun glare is incredibly dangerous as it can impair vision and in extreme cases, cause momentary blindness. This data can then be used as a training tool to aid the driver in becoming safer on the road. Low to zero-visibility, freezing temperatures and extremely slippery roads make blizzards the worst weather conditions for driving, by far. Watch where that car goes. Other versions of this feature will not work in reverse, however, so check your owners manual or with your vehicles manufacturer to determine whether it can work in reverse or not. While some ice is noticeable, black icewhich occurs when ice has thawed and re-frozencan be hard to spot. Vehicles approaching. Parked vehicles as well. While skidding is often caused by rain, mud, snow or ice, it can also happen when you turn, change lanes, brake or accelerate suddenly, as this can throw weight from one part of the vehicle to another. Scanning both sides of the road. Youre stopped with a guardrail or pillar next to you and your transmission locked. Mapping out your trip in advance will minimize stress and ensure you do not miss vital exits on the freeway. Dislodging it while the vehicle is in motion is dangerous, so prevention is key: Make sure your mat is the right fit for your vehicle, is snapped in place if that option is available, and that you haven't stacked mats on top of each other. Keep in mind that in most states, drivers are legally required to clear all ice and snow from their vehicles before a journey. When driving a forklift on a ramp, OSHA CFR 1910.178 sets these standards: Grades shall be ascended or descended slowly. When your car accelerates sharply, you will feel __________ . Car turning left. But never, ever park under an overpass. Some versions of this feature will operate while traveling downhill in reverse, such as reversing out of a driveway that was built on a hill. Vehicles approaching. Car entering on the left. car drivers, goods vehicle, passenger or patient transport); specific competencies associated with each driver category (e.g. Back roads can often be nestled directly in the path of deer, animals that have no understanding of passing traffic and can appear out of nowhere. Pedestrian, may be conflict here. During freezing and near-freezing conditions you should reduce your speed, even if no ice or snow is visible on the road. While the hazard is the source of the injuries or the disease, i.e the thing that can harm you. Be alert for large trucks and buses that may be going too fast. Heritage-Crystal Clean reduced compliance violations by 25%. This will require that they are wide enough and, where appropriate, high enough to allow safemovements of vehicles. Check traffic through your mirrors. Docks & Ramps. Distances that drivers have to coverIt is not unusual for some company drivers to spend half their working hours on the road. If traffic is high or the road is narrow, go through the passengers side door. Simply, the risk is the probability, no matter its degree, of causing injuries or disease, i.e harming someone. If visibility gets too bad, pull over to the side of the road and wait for conditions to improve. Of course, the number-one rule of defensive driving is to avoid unnecessary danger. Car parking on our left. Dont let a traffic ticket affect your driving record or insurance rates. Car approaching on the right. Car entering our lane. Subscribe to get the latest news, industry trends, blog posts, and updates. (Note: The FMCSA may delay implementation until 2022. Fleet safety is a shared goal. If you ask us, we would rather take the uphill part of the drive because going downhill is harder. In darkness, it is much harder to see and be seen by other drivers. No vehicles approaching. Eventually, one will go faster than the other, and youll be able to choose your lane. I-5 between Medford, OR and Roseburg, OR This stretch of highway is a steady descent with sharp curves. Person getting out behind a car. Top Driving Safety Hazards You Should be Aware of: How to Avoid Them 2023 National Safety Council Earlier this year, a tragic truck collision in Denver ended up in the deaths of four innocent people and sparked a deeper conversation about fleet safety in the trucking industry. Looking over the crest of the hill. Trust me, this is one of the best downhill driving tips if you want to: Save your brakes a lot of unnecessary wear & tear. What to Do: If youre in deer country and its dark, you can try flashing your headlights to get a deers attention. Vehicle may be turning opposite directions in front of us. Approaching vehicles. A National Sleep Foundation poll says 60% of adults have driven while they were tired, and another 37%, or 103 million people, have fallen asleep at the wheel. Do not start a journey if the fog is so thick that the way ahead is completely obscured a few feet in front of your vehicle. This presents a risk of falling from height.Securing loadsUnrestrained loads can increase the risk of vehicle rollover and load spillage, and risk the life of the driver and other road users. Looking through the corner. 3. Skills-based training, which will provide them with the basic understanding and skills that are necessary to operate a forklift truck in a safe manner.2. If this happens, pour water over the engine and fuel lines and only attempt to restart the vehicle when it has cooled. Boblett states that rookie drivers, who have improper training, often panic, overreact, or make wrong decisions. Computer-based hazard perception test scores are associated with the Pay special attention to speed limit and warning signs, such as those warning of curves, steep hills, or other hazards. Hit your emergency flashers and pump the brake quickly three or four times, Solomon says. 10 Unique Dangers To Driving On Rural Roads Instead, ease off the gas pedal until you can feel your tires regain connection with the road. Visit to learn more. Some versions may be activated from your multifunction display or in your terrain management control's dial. 2. This feature keeps helps keep your vehicle at a pre-determined safe speed when traveling downhill or on very uneven terrain. Pedestrians on the side. Car entering on our right. Multi-lane road. You also want to turn the wheel in the direction you want the front of the car to go. one hazard associated with driving downhill is: one hazard associated with driving downhill is:i miss you text art copy and paste. I-15 between Las Vegas, NV and Salt Lake City, NV The posted speed limit is 70 mph, which may be too fast. Many car dealerships, could be many pedestrians. All it takes is a split second for someone to come into your lane without warning.
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