Jones Tuesdaymorning as he struck back at criticsof his regime.The old departments of Arizonaare running on the same budgetsas they have been receiving for several years and all are living withinSonora BoostedBy HighwayMagazineOn a trip through southern Ari| zona, Harold Wrenn, assistant di! Creating an obituary on Echovita is free. .WE BUY USEDFURNITUREand Pay Highest Prices . Donate Calif., to be employed by theAmerican Fruit Growers during thesummer months.Pacific BrokerageCompany, S. A.Customs House andCommission BrokersQuick ServiceNOGALESTHEATERSATURDAYMEXICAN SPITFIRE"with LUPE VALDEZ andDONALD WOODS andBILL ELLIOTTinTAMING OF THE WEST"SUNDAY and MONDAYALICE FAYEinLITTLE OLD NEW YORK"TUESWEDTHURS.FRED ASTAIR andELEANOR POWELLinBROADWAY MELODYOF 1940FRIDAYBOBBY BREENinESCAPE TO PARADISE"andHUMPHREY BOGARTin"THE RETURN OF DR. XGood Flour and Fine PremiumsAsk Your Grocer About the FineChinaware Given Away withLA PINA FLOURFor Sale in All Grocery StoresESCALADA BROTHERSWholesale DistributorsTheFIRST NATIONAL BANKOF NOGALESCOMMERCIAL SAVINGSOrganized 1903Mull)\ jFORMER NOGALIANSI CRITICALLY ILLMrs. The State tax ratehas increased because of increasedactivity, he said.I do know there is somethingwrong with the tax structure in Arizona. William Alberts, James Minotto, Harry Fen- 1nemore, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Rock- iwell, Steve Speer. External Link Disclaimer | Forgive me the, peVillD|Doitoiiyou to, the sobs and moansI wrung from you, and for the strength rtook from you, mother, forgive me.For the fears I gave you, for the alarms and the dreads, my mother, forgive me. R. T. Jones, eleci tion of officers, and selection ofKingman as the 1941 conventioncity, highlighted the closing day'ssession of the 36th annual conven-1 tion of the Arizona Cattle Growers; Association at Nogales Tuesday.Total registration for the two-daymeeting was 331 one so the largest conventions in the history ofNogales.Two hundred and fifty personsattended the associations annualbanquet and dance in the Montezuma Ballroom Monday night andat least fifty more were unable tofind seats.Mrs. E. Jackson, Mrs. Alfred Kerr,Miss Betty Kerr, Mrs. G. M. Gullekson, Miss Avis Gullekson, Mrs.W. Nogales international. . E. Heady of San Rafael Valley was elected a vice-president ofArizona Cattle Growers Association on the closing day Tuesdayof the annual convention at Nofrin.R. Pedro Balderrama Caballero. Donate J J DILLONTOWNSEND DANCEMrs. TITLE editors often didnt fact-check spellings in the past. 'NOGALES NATIONAL BANK BLDG.Nogales, ArizonaO. PoeMl dbtoHo. Nowonder truth is so elusive!Painting & Decorating ContractorsCOMMERCIAL HOME RANCHWorkmanship GuaranteedSpraying and Only First Grade Material Used. External Link Disclaimer | July 26, 2022 (75 years old) Allthat lam you taught me. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Nogales International - Online Newspaper |HARRISON-SMITH , !Phone 4932Tucson 228 E. 6th St.Tucson |NOTICE OilVEHICLE OWNERS1946 COMMERCIAL STICKERSHAVE ARRIVEDThese Stickers and 1946 Registration Cardsmust be on all commercial vehicles by Saturday,March 16, 1946. Nogales international. [volume] (Nogales, Ariz.) 1926-1979, April 18 Sam Hill and guest Mrs.Willhoyt of Elgin were shoppers inNogales Wednesday.Mrs. Nogales international. [volume], February 24, 1940, Image 1 Standing, left to right: Dawn Irvine, Mrs. A. E. Lawrence and Jane Irvine. Learn more, Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ., Nogales international. J. LOWEFORSCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTI hereby announce myself as acandidate for the Democraticnomination for County SchoolSuperintendent subject to thedecision of the voters at the Julyprimary election.CORA EVERHARTFOR SUPERVISORI hereby announce myself as acandidate for the Democraticnomination for County Supervisor in District No. Copyright 2023 Echovita Inc. All rights reserved. To act as agents, factors, brokers, commission merchants, contractors, lessees, and managers of es-I tates or otherwise in entering into,! Bisbee, deputy mineinspector, is invesitgating the accident, Justice of the Peace CyrilForsyth, of Patagonia, conducted aninquest yesterday afternoon.Landers is reported to have beena resident of the Red Rock districtof Pima county.Carnes resided in the vicinity ofthe mine.Tucson HotelsSendingTourists Hereimmediately after Secretary Don; Smith of the Chamber of Commerceinformed Tucson hotels and touristcourts Monday that Nogales couldtake care of the overflow of touristsand winter visitors from hotels inthe neighboring city, Nogales began getting results.! Last Name "Vaughan . Page 369.I Witness my hand and officialseal the day and year aforesaid.SEAL Ada E. Jones,County Recorder.(Pub. Echovita Inc is a registered trademark. Gale (Gaga as SHE Read More, Obituary of Amelia J Sanchez Amelia J. Sanchez October 21, 1929 to January 31, 2023 It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of Read More, Diana Savory's passing on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 has been publicly announced by Martinez Funeral Chapels - Nogales in Nogales, AZ. SADDLESMADE TO ORDERNOGALESSADDLERYE. Mr. Duran was recentlydischarged from the Marine Corps.Nathan Forbes of Forbes Sportswear returned to Los Angeles Sunday after a weeks business in Nogales.WHEN INPHOENIX , ARIZ.LOOKING FORREAL ESTATECONSULTOSCAR IRVIN14 S. 3rd Ave.0SAVE MONEYBring your car to us.We have Factory Trained mechanics to do thework.Pontiac & InternationalTruck PartsBUCKHORNAUTO STORES341 Morley Ave. Huachuca, Bisbeeand DouglasLv. Alicia L. Corral. Echovita Inc is a registered trademark. What's next after Hobbs terminated Arizona-Mexico Commission members? Find an obituary, get service details, leave condolence messages or send flowers or gifts in memory of a loved one. Nogales International Airport - Santa Cruz County, AZ Family and friends must say goodbye to their beloved Jeremy Brinton (Nogales, Arizona), who passed away at the age of 40, on May 21, 2021. Finding death notices in the Nogales International can be another vital source Uncover the branches of your family tree. Jeremy Brinton Obituary (1980 - 2021) | Nogales, AZ >Send tor descriptive folder Vakmiatiefe d&xmtitillustrated Maidi Cnt TiwtfporttfiaiiProgram for the asking Line*iLobtyOF WINTERBISBEE-NOGALESVia Tombstone, Fairb* ik,Sonoita and Patagon *LEAVE (East BoundNogales ll:3Q\.m.Patagonia l2:Sop.m.Sonoita 1:00 p.m.Fairbanks 2:00 p.m.Tombstone 2:3o p.m.Bisbee 4:00 p m(Arrive)Douglas . Judge OK's Arizona rancher trial in Mexican migrant killing The Nogales International wastewater treatment plant was first conceived in 1943 to provide a regional approach to the issue of wastewater treatment and disposal. (adv)Senator Patterson of Yavapai county, candidate for the Democraticnomination for Attorney General,is expected here for the Knights ofColumbus convention.P. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Find the right funeral home to guide your family through end-of-life planning. C. CrenshawPhone 675(Cortlnufld From Page 3)Sunday from Phoenix, where shehas been for some time past, visiting Miss Edna Cheshire. Deceased's obituary. Inc. Legal | 4:45 p.m.Through stage to Bisbee;train connections at Fairbanks or Douglas; pointseast on No 2.LEAVE (West Bonnd)Douglas 2:35 p.mBisbee 4:00 p.mTombstone 5:15 p.m.Fairbanks 5:30 p.mSonoita 6:30 p.mPatagonia 6.46 p.m,(arrive'.Nogal* 7:45 p.m.Cars Leave on ScheduleDaily We haul Trunk*,connections at Fairbanks toand from the East.FIRST BAPTIST CHURCHSunrise service. Seated, left to right! It is 60 miles south of Tucson, Ariz. and 150 miles south of Phoenix, Ariz. Learn more, Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ. A. Gonzalez, Mgr.PAGE FIVE215 Grand Ave.Dr. Connect with your classmates to honor alumni and teachers. Jobs | local AMVETS Post will be named for the two receiving the greatest number of votes. She was a . state department of mineral rej sources, today revealed that H. R.; Espey had turned in a sample ofgold ore assaying at the rate of$34 000 a ton.Extent of the vein from which thesample was obtained was not disclosed. His home is in Hollywood.KERSON RECOVERINGJames Kerson of the Cavern Casehas recovered from a severe attackof influenza. A unique and lasting tribute for a loved one. Wrenn said the Arizona High- |way magazine is very much interested in Sonora and is publicizingi Guaymas and other parts of thatstate extensively.I Sonora is next door to Arizonaand is rapidly becoming a playground for many tourists who annually winter in Arizona and to getthere they must come through Nogales, therefore, Nogales benefitsgreatly by the publicity we are giving the west coast of Mexico, saidWrenn.Oldtime ForesterHere ForCattlemens MeetA resident, of Arizona since x ' rleft Indian Territory in Mav 1897J. Briefs: NPD still seeking answers in man's death. * Deceased's funeral arrangements. Nogales international. NOGALES INTERNATIONAL Nogales Home NewspaperSCHOOL BOARDThe regular monthly meeting ofthe board of school trustees will beheld at the office of the superintendent of city schools May 14 atS p.m.FOR RENT: Five room furnishedhouse. Oscar Read More, Obituary of Michael Anderson Hicks Michael Anderson Hicks was born in Bend Oregon in 1958 to Dolores Jeanne Anderson and TJ Hicks. According Read More, Obituary of Darlene Minnie Jean Reyes Darlene Minnie Jean (Thompson) Reyes, passed away peacefully at the age of 80 on February 14th, 2023 with Read More, Obituary of Jack Kelly Jack Kelly, age 90, passed peacefully away at his ranch home in the San Pedro River valley near Redington, AZ on February Read More, Debbie Webster's passing on Thursday, February 16, 2023 has been publicly announced by Martinez Funeral Chapels - Nogales in Nogales, AZ. Heroica Nogales - Wikipedia Marilyn was born Read More, Obituary of John R Grimes John R Grimes, Sr 86, passed away January 28, 202, born April 13, 1936 in Detroit Michigan to Jessie and Margaret Grimes Read More, Oscar Lucero's passing on Thursday, January 19, 2023 has been publicly announced by Martinez Funeral Chapels - Nogales in Nogales, AZ. According Read More, Obituary of Donald James Sobey DONALD JAMES SOBEY September 14, 1932-January 6, 2023 Donald James Sobey, son of Stephen G. Sobey and Martha C Read More, Obituary of Mary Carole Draper Carole was born in Alexandria, Louisiana and grew up in Dearborn, Michigan.
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