WEBINARS - National Domestic Violence Fatality Review Initiative Currently, Kim manages her law firm, Jade Law Offices, and continues her work helping to educate others on preparing for their financial future as a Senior Marketing Director of WealthWave and a registered representative and investment advisor representative of Transamerica Financial Advisors, Inc., Transamerica Financial Group Division. Mass Violence and Terrorism This web training series highlights the importance of communities, states, and . This webinar will introduce you to partner-inflicted brain injury -- its signs, symptoms, and consequences. Learn first-hand from a dispatcher what happens when you or your clients call for Emergency help. Events | Office for Victims of Crime Law Enforcement Resources | DOJ Partners - Office Of Justice Programs DomesticShelters.org makes finding the right shelter and information about domestic violence easier. Child Abuse, Neglect, and Domestic Violence: Dispelling the - NCJFCJ Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ACADV) Office 700 S. Rock St. Little Rock, AR 72202 . During the morning session, you'll learn about offender . Police domestic violence activist Renae Griggs also believes that education is the key to helping officers learn ways to constructively cope with job-related stress. Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (WSCADV) The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) funds police departments, sheriffs' offices, and other law enforcement professionals to respond to the crimes of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking. How DV Advocates Can Help Survivors Access Health Care, Conducting a Thoughtful Needs Assessment: A Comprehensive Approach to Program Design for Adult and Children Survivors of DV, Supporting Survivor Access to Health Care: Open Enrollment, Updates on Changes to Health Policy and Implications for Survivors, Preventing Intimate Partner Violence: Exploring the CDCs Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Technical Package, Centering Survivor Leadership at the Intersections of Oppression, Q&A on Applying as a Research and Capacity Building Project, Respect Effect: A New Tool for Teen Dating Violence Prevention, Patient-Centered Approach to Domestic Violence in Health Settings, Improving Health Outcomes Through Violence Prevention: Model Partnerships Between Community Health Centers and Domestic and Sexual Violence Programs, Addressing Dating and Sexual Violence and Harrassment in School-Based Health. Rachel is a bilingual licensed independent social worker and a registered advocate. 2) Understand how coercive control shapes a victim's behavior. Global Rights for Women is piloting a multi-city project that emphasizes a multidisciplinary approach to domestic violence, using technology to work closely with . Yet few rural communities have Domestic Violence High-Risk Teams in place. Let your voice be heard on domestic violence public policies. Download a transcript below: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13-Zhe1wiFnlAGJLbT-7B9bhWb6d-_ES9x4YaXRhmsGU/edit?usp=sharing, The Newport News Police Department Domestic Violence Team (NNPD DV Team) is a newly implemented program in Newport News, Virginia, created under the vision of Chief Steve Drew. Instead of searching the Internet, it is all right here. Since doing so, they have reduced their local DV homicide rate from 11 (2000-2013) to one. Multi-Abuse Trauma is part 2 of a 2-part Trauma series. COVID-19 abruptly forced the world to adapt to a more digital presence. This conference webinar served as the official welcome for the new MSPI and . This year, NRCDV is honored to partner with and amplify the voices of Black youth leaders for both Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month and Black History Month, throughout the month of February and beyond. Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking: Basic Investigation and . Choose from many free and/or low cost webinars and trainings below! National Resource Center on Domestic Violence. NCADV's monthly online learning sessions explore emerging issues, insights, best practices, and research from leaders in the domestic violence field. PCADV's Online Learning center offers introductory, intermediate, and advanced courses providing educational and skill-building opportunities for advocates, volunteers, and interns working at a local PCADV funded domestic violence program in Pennsylvania. About Kim Scouller This playlist includes webinars that discuss how we can better support children who have experienced or been exposed to abuse within their home. Videos included in this playlist: Brain on Trauma: Domestic Violence and PTSD, Interconnectedness of domestic violence and homelessness, the impact of domestic violence on mental health, too often forgotten: impact of domestic violence on children, navigating when a survivor is in crisis, emotional safety planning, Virtual Book Talk with Author Kelly Sundberg, A conversation on building resiliency as a foundation for perseverance, navigating housing for survivors, domestic violence 101, and intimate partner violence 101. This webinar is for domestic violence advocates to learn more about human trafficking, and how it relates to their work. Date: March 22, 2023 Time: 2:00-3:15 p.m. ), Strengthening Domestic and Sexual Violence Programs to Support Trafficking Survivors: Intersections, Equity, Cultural Humility, and Collaborations, Supporting Survivor Health Access Webinar Series: Open Enrollment, HCADV Day 2022: Reproductive Justice is Survivor Justice, National Health Collaborative on Violence and AbuseVirtual Briefing on Intersection of Reproductive Health and Violence and Abus, Developing an Engaged Board of Directors to Advance Equity, Building Bridges: Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence Specialists Making a Difference in Child Welfare, Intersection of Human Trafficking and Substance Use: Trauma-Informed Care and Collaboration Strategies to Support Survivors, Building Healing Environments for Children and Youth Impacted by Violence, Centering Equity in Multisector Collaborations, Living Our Values: Supervision and Feedback for Survivor-Serving Organizations, Question-and-Answer Dialogue, Lessons Learned About Survivor-Centered Support During the COVID-19 Pandemic (3-part Webinar Series), Collaborating with Culturally Specific Community-Based Programs to Support Survivors of Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Collaborative Community Resource Mapping to Support Survivors of Human Trafficking, and Domestic and Sexual Violence, Lessons Learned from Project Catalyst: State/Territory-Wide Transformation on Health, Intimate Partner Violence, and Human Trafficking, Collaboration with Employment Agencies to Increase access to Economic opportunities for Survivors of HT/DV/SA, Session 3: Promoting Workforce Wellness and Resilience (2021 ARP COVID-19 Testing, Vaccines and Mobile Health Units Supplemental Funding Technical Assistance), NHCVA Presentation: Federal Policy Update 2022, Living Our Values: Supervision and Feedback for Survivor-Serving Organizations, Session2: Increasing Access to Support Services for Survivors (2021 ARP COVID-19 Testing, Vaccines and Mobile Health Units Supplemental Funding Technical Assistance), Session 1: Partnerships, Practices, Policies and Products to Support COVID-19 Testing, Vaccines and Mobile Health Units for Survivors (2021 ARP COVID-19 Testing, Vaccines and MobileHealth Units Supplemental Funding Technical Assistance, Building Collaborative Responses with Community Health Centers to Support Survivors at the Intersection of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Human Trafficking, HCADV Day 2021: Discussing the impact of COVID-19 and other public health emergencies on survivor health, community health, and looking towards new collaborative prevention efforts, Virtual Hill Briefing: Maternal Mortality and Intimate Partner Violence, 21st Century Cures Act: Considerations for working with survivors of intimate partner violence, Learning through Interactivity: Creating Meaningful and Accessible Interactivity, Supporting Family Resiliency through Relationships with Animals: A Three Part Series, Practical Tools for Supporting Survivors Mental Health in the Workplace (Part 2), Learning through Interactivity: Creating Curiosity through Learning Activities, Integrating Behavioral Health Approaches to Address Gender, Violence and Homelessness, Practical Tools for Supporting Survivors Mental Health in the Workplace (Part 1), Supporting Family Resiliency through Relationships with Animals: Part Two, Supporting Family Resiliency through Relationships with Animals: Part One, Intimate Partner Violence and Human Trafficking: Collaboration between Medical Legal Partnerships, FQHCs, and Domestic Violence Programs, Addressing Adolescent Relationship Abuse in School-Based Health Care, Increasing Staff Capacity to Respond to Intimate Partner Violence/Human Trafficking During COVID-19, Supporting Survivors at the Intersection of Immigration and Child Welfare, Building Intimate Partner Violence/Human Trafficking Partnerships Between Community Health Centers andDomestic Violence Advocacy Programs, Virtual Hill Briefing Preventing and Addressing Elder Abuse during COVID-19, Advancing Innovative School-Based Health Strategies to Reduce Trauma, Advance Equity, and Help California Children Heal, Organizational Resiliency in Managing Challenges within Survivor-Serving Organizations, Legal Services & Advocacy Collaboration to Support Trafficked Survivors of Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault During COVID-19, Building Back Better: Reimagining the Justice System to Better Serve and Protect Families, NHCVA Webinar Telehealth Visits: Increasing Safety for People at Risk for Abuse, Q & A: Creating a Virtual Education That Sticks, Supporting the Health and Economic Needs of Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault and Trafficking Survivors During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, Innovation on Demand Part 3: Well-being as a Pathway to Safety, Strategies to Enhance Employee Resilience and Engagement within Survivor-Serving Organizations, Innovation on Demand Part 2: Advancing Collaboration during COVID-19 to Protect Children and Families. To register for upcoming events, please visit our events page by clicking here. . Webinars - EVAWI Building Trauma Informed Tribal Child Welfare Systems: New Shifts in Policy and Practice, 8/8/16 Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 2:00pm - 3:15pm Aug Attendees will have the opportunity to "troubleshoot the challenges they are currently facing online whether its engagement, monetary decline, stagnation in online growth, or community building. Recorded Webinars Categories: Recording , Webinar Our webinars offer valuable insight and education about the intersection of faith with sexual and domestic violence and child abuse, as well as the importance of clergy ethics and healthy relationships in preventing harm. Skip to page menu Skip to . All webinars are FREE of charge. [email protected] Join ODVN online each quarter on the second Tuesday of that month at 2 pm for program updates and mini-training events! This webinar was presented by PreventConnect, a national project of the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA), and featured speakers from DCADV and CHILD, Inc. . Menstruation is an experience shared bygenerations of women across theglobe. Webinars - NCADV 8 OUT OF 10 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CASES ARE DISMISSED DUE TO A LACK OF EVIDENCE AND VICTIMS BEING TOO SCARED TO TESTIFY We offer five online training modules that count towards Domestic Violence Professional certification. Not sure if you're a member? This Advocacy Information Packet is a collection of articles, booklets and handouts covering a range of topics about advocacy with emphasis on work with survivors of intimate partner violence. This Trauma series can be watched independently or together as a piece. In this webinar series, find out how Head Start and Early Head Start programs can help prevent domestic violence. Thank you for your support. How Could Proposed Changes to Medicaid Impact Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence? Webinar topics cover a wide range of victim related topics. This self-paced training consists of five lessons and serves as an introduction to the dynamics of domestic violence. Weve painstakingly verified information on shelters in LA to shelters in NY, and every domestic violence program in between. The webinars are recorded and are available below. This presentation will discuss the link between domestic violence and animal abuse, the importance of the human-animal bond and how to create pet-friendly housing programs. This playlist includes webinars that begin to scratch the surface of an issue. 3. Over the past 13 years at ODVN, Rachel has led multiple statewide initiatives on trauma-informed approaches as well as other topics. Recorded Video Webinars Advocacy Domestic Violence Sexual Violence Children Exposed to Domestic Violence Home Visitation/MIECHV Prevention Legal Gender & Sexual Minority Wheels Technology & Safety Teen Dating Violence Trauma Informed Care Vicarious Trauma Faith Leaders Remote Home Visitation: Supporting clients experiencing Intimate Partner Violence in the Time of COVID-19, Innovation on Demand Part 1: Implementing Culturally-Responsive and Trauma-Informed Services and Family-Centered Practice During COVID-19, Invisible Injuries: Traumatic Brain Injury, Strangulation and Domestic Violence, Engaging Dads: Findings from the Preventing and Addressing Intimate Violence when Engaging Dads (PAIVED) Study, Lessons Learned: Supporting Indigenous Children and Families Experiencing Domestic Violence, Strengthening Domestic and Sexual Violence Programs for Trafficked Survivors:Enhancing Identification, Case Management and Advocacy, Survivor Strategies to Generate Income: Opportunities through Independent Contracting, Beyond Checking the Boxes: A Discussion on Education Program Evaluations, Core Values and Domestic & Sexual Violence Organizations, Language Access in Educational Design and Delivery/ Acceso al Lenguaje en el Diseo y Entrega Educativa, NHCVA Webinar A Change Package for Advancing Trauma Informed Care in Primary Care settings, How State/Territory, Tribal, and Federal Health Policies Can Promote Survivor Health, Preserve Autonomy, and Protect Confidentiality, New Funding Announcement Q&A: Project Catalyst Phase III, Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day *Facebook Live* Event, Addressing Stigma within Healthcare and Social Service Provision, Succession Planning within Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Organizations, Part 2, NHCVA Webinar Children in Detention: Critical Clinical, Legal, Policy, and Human Rights Issues for Health Professionals, Supporting Families Experiencing Domestic Violence who are Involved in the Child Welfare System: Lessons Learned from the Specialized Services for Abused Parents and Children Program, Information Session: Promoting Employment Opportunities for Survivors of Trafficking Institute, Building Sustainable Partnerships between Human Trafficking Services and Workforce Development Programs, Collaborative Strategies and Tools to Meet the Needs of Survivors of Human Trafficking, Job Training and Employment Opportunities for Survivors of Trafficking through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, 2020 NCHDV Call for Abstracts: How-to Submit Webinar, Human Trafficking and Its Impacts on Employment, Healthy Moms, Happy Babies Part II: Healing Approaches to Preventing and Responding to Domestic Violence in Home Visitation Settings, Healthy Moms Happy Babies: Healing Approaches to Preventing and Responding to Domestic Violence in Home Visitation Programs, Building Skills and Obtaining Employment: Understanding Opportunities and Resources Available through Local Workforce Systems, Promoting Employment Opportunities for Survivors of Human Trafficking, Integrating Assessment for Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking into Advocacy Programs: Promising Practices and Emerging Tools, Fostering Safer Workplaces: Addressing Domestic Violence in a Business Setting. Webinar: Environmental and Situational Sexual Violence Prevention Practitioner Guide Launch. An Online Resource Library on Gender-Based Violence. March 8, 9 am - 4 pm PST. To receive email reminders about upcoming learning sessions, join NCADVs email list or update your email information by clickinghere. Click here to check out career opportunities. Effective October 6, 2022, The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) and the National Domestic Violence Hotline (The Hotline) have joined together. The Importance of an Intimate Partner Abuse Screening Tool for LGBQ/T Communities and Families, Strategies for Centralizing the Voices of Young People of Color in Anti-Violence Work, The Benefits of Mentorship: Empower, Lead, Succeed in Organizations Serving Survivors of Violence, Considering Children: How the Opioid Epidemic Affects Child Survivors of Domestic Violence, Open Enrollment! Webinars - Futures Without Violence Futures Without Violence The Indiana Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team (INDVFRT) works to prevent deaths related to intimate partner violence by engaging in a systematic multi-disciplinary review of past ipv-related fatalities or near-fatalities to identify systemic barriers or gaps, and by making recommendations for systems and social change. If you would like to view all of the webinars in our webinar series thus far, click here. DVP Webinar Series | Domestic Violence Prevention (DVP) Upcoming Events - ICADV This webinar will introduce you to the CARE framework of delivering services, using accommodations to make services more effective and responsive, and free, downloadable educational materials and practice-based tools for service providers and survivors of violence. Webinars & Seminars from the National Center on Domestic Violence Looking for upcoming gender-based advocacy events? Associated Links Webinars & Seminars This conference focuses on sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, human trafficking, and elder abuse to highlight promising practices and emerging issues to effectively respond to these crimes in all of our communities. Preventing and Responding to Domestic Violence Webinar Series Online Education and Webinars - Women's Advocates Domestic violence stalkers are commonly considered to be one of the most potentially deadly offenders. RedRover is a national animal welfare nonprofit focused on bringing animals out of crisis and strengthening the human-animal bond through emergency sheltering, disaster relief services, financial assistance and humane education. This webinar will provide information about the importance and effectiveness of Domestic Violence High-Risk Teams in rural communities and how to form and implement one. In this webinar, Gael Strack of the Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention will share insights and research on the intersection of non-fatal strangulation and domestic violence. This webinar is designed to help members of the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) better understand the expanded Child Tax Credit and how to help families claim this critical benefit. The speaker is John F. Wilkinson, J.D., an Attorney Advisor with AEquitas: The Prosecutors Resource on Violence Against Women. Recorded Webinars FaithTrust Institute Why? You are notalone. This webinar will educate advocates on how to recognize human trafficking in older adults, the differences between human trafficking, abuse & exploitation, and will explore best practices and resources for older adult survivors of human trafficking. Team: Changing Minds Winner of Open Minds Initiative! 2023 International Conference on Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, and 2020-2021 Webinar Series Track 1: Domestic Violence, Trauma, and Substance Use This webinar series provides cross-training and practical applications for supporting survivors of domestic/sexual violence who use substances through an Accessible, Culturally-Responsive, and Trauma-Informed (ACRTI) approach. This playlist includes webinars that discuss the different forms that abuse can take.
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