Every relationship Ive been in the other person is unwilling to step outside of their comfort zone for me. Sometimes I just feel like giving up because he is so damn moody and seems so wishy-washy I am used to Earth signs ( was married to one). Aries and Scorpio Compatibility - 3 years. and then the last thing i heard was that he can't wait to hold me and that was 3 weeks agowell guess what? Lol. On the third date we became intimate and on the last date (which was last week) it was like he doesn't want to know. Second time we chatted for 15-20 min & I told him I know I wounded him by doubting him & that I did it purposely to push him away bc I was feeling too strongly for him & got scared. Then, I told him he either had to choose me or the other girls, and surprisingly, he chose me. She will want to share herself with you. To find out that over the 10 years he has regretted disappearing on me was confusing. Are Aries and Leos Compatible: A Successful Matchor NOT. When a Pisces man dates an Aries woman, he can expect her to open her own doors, put on her own coat, pull out her own chair, and perhaps even offer to pick up the check. I still haven't heard from him. Pisceans frequently have escapist inclinations and need alone time to replenish their energies. this man is the love of my life. So, if he makes you a part of it or suspends it even for a little while for you, you're important to that man. I told him I would leave him alone. Ive decided if he never calls me again, and after I see him next week (I frequent where he works) if he still doesnt call me or offer an explanation, he is going to get a nicely worded letter about his behavior and I will close the door on this chapter. I got very jealous of him speaking to another woman which isn't my ordinary self as I am a libra and very much a flirt too. If he sees that your life is not all around him, I bet you he will make a u-turn and start chasing after you because he does not want to loose you. We talked and i thought things were ok but again the next day nothing. For this relationship to survive for a long time, both parties need to sacrifice their time and effort willingly. ugh He said: I like you a lot and I care for you but I'm just not ready for love or to get lovey dovey. He would try to see me once in a while but I am stubborn and not on anyone else's time and a week after the last time he ended our 'social' connection. If so, he likes you. Cant handle it anymore wierdo deluxe..My girlfriend later n told me no way can you marry him he is a total control freak she said I act totall didfferent around him like walking on egg shells , and that scared her that I am so paranoid that he might not like somthingbe yourself she saidthe light bulb went on with that,,,outta here,,I have a very nice cancer barking up my tree 13 years younger think Ill go me ME for ahilewink wink. I was dealing w/ this for MONTHS. Click to know how is Aries in a relationship. We had an amazing beginning. If your path is to build more attraction, I recommend you read my guide on how to attract an Aquarius man. I let him suffer for a long, long, time. I mean, do I even stand a chance of getting back with him? and sometimes I feel very confident about that fact. And I shouldn't have to wonder if I did something wrong, if he's mad at me, or just needs space. Sammie is currently the executive editor for Preparing for Peace, covering everything related to love & dating, relationships, and marriage. WTH? Pay attention to what he says when both of you finally sit down to talk. I want to give him up before we have even started but though I have had a few dates in the last year he is the only one that has made my tummy go over in the last 7 years. But as time went on it got worse. But when the person I am spacing from starts to cling to me because of the break, I get worried. Is there a way I can keep him on my Facebook but also do something about all this ignoring? He's accepted it many times that i've been a great friend & he appreciates how i've always been there. she needs to know that she is the best thing in the world for her man. And you are so right. i dont believe hes ever had a very serious Real relationship. Lmao). But what about when he hurts me? Required fields are marked *. But when it came to me i couldn't have friends. (It will probably help, better, knowing exact conversation (s). His subtle jabs are intended to give you a hint and teach you a . Aries men are one of the most touchy people in a relationship according to astrology. The toxic trait of Aries - Impulsiveness. A mellow Aries may ignore you, but an aggressive Aries will tell you to shut up and mind your own business. This helped alot. How do I get to askin u further Q's if I need ur views?. You deserve much better than to invest in such a level of inconsistency. That his lack of interest is a sign of incompatibility. If he said something he meant it and sometimes I wonder if the aqua is just full of bs!! Aries woman is very impatient and energetic. guy from work first initiates "us" going out. Next, he avoids making any concrete plans at all. We texted for 9 months then he finds a reason to ask to actually call me. Here's the problem, I fell for a aqua unexpectedly. Related:7 Essential Things to Know about Dating an Aquarius Man. Don't push him into a romantic situation. Tips to Get Aries Man Heart, What Type of Women Do Aries Men Like (3 BEST Traits He Looks For). Try to keep the conversation light, make him laugh, and do things that attracted him to you in the first-time meeting. Thus sometimes, they dont act on logic but a mixture of anger and the urge to win. basically more like a freedom sorry, im just checking what i used to do before there is no such thing as test if i where you just relax, and do your stop, dont be clingy, even aries females hate those who are. Im a cancer talking to aquarius men.. and OMG!!!! They dont lie to you, and playing the victim is not their thing. He stops returning calls. Similarities combined with complementary differences create the context in which romantic love is born. Guilting only works for so long and usually just convinces me that I should run before I feel too bad about it. They have a direct approach towards most of the things and thus are always vocal about their needs and desires. Together they make a great team full of incredible ideas. Allow these follow your dreams quotes, How to Attract a Sagittarius Man: 12 Keys to His Heart. They dont really want to compromise or commitment due to their traits, but they will in case they need to. I had my guard up with him for so long. Something that can be seen in their temper tantrum, especially if they don't get their way. His compassion and sensitivity softens her around the edges and makes her less selfish. Now I'm left heart broken and have no idea where I stand. If they cant be together romantically, they will likely end up as best teammates in work because they understand one another well. I don't want to lose him so as of today I will ignore him which to me is an odd way of getting him back. Because the truth is, most of the time I still want to be with whoever I am avoiding, it's just I need a little space, a little break to experience the rest of the world. At the center of "The Disappearing Act" is an impetuous British actress named Mia Eliot, who flies to Los Angeles for high-stakes auditions. Moody, sensitive, pessimistic, and easily hurt. They want a challenge. Your email address will not be published. Good luck, ladies, you may need it Join in and write your own page! I just don't like to be played with like a dame fool. But when he does text me he says really nice things but idk what else to believe.. i have never felt this way for no other guyy :( i need help. Which i tried to tell him i am not them. So, it's reassuring to him the Aries woman is interested in getting to know him when she makes the first move. and, when he came back into the picture he'd want to pick up exactly where we left off, as though he'd never left. lol. I'm sure this may speak for SOME Aquarius males, but not all. And when he does speak to you, hell be distant and noncommittal. Eventually, he may open up but will definitely not give up his secrets, even to his close family members. As I read through I have picked out many words that I have used to describe this so called relationahip I am in. I haven't had the total disappearing thing yet, it's more the detachment thing going on rite now and it's driving me crazing cos I just don't know if he's simply distracted or disinterested. She is pushy and playful, and breaking his emotional walls is a great challenge to her. An Aries woman is determined to take the lead, and that includes making the first advance and inviting the charming but seemingly shy Pisces man on a date. Find out what astrology has to say about your unique partner and relationship beyond just sun signs. I would have to say to the girls dating these men, I play the WIFE that doenst provide many emotional needs so he wonders to talk to you but don't get to involved cause I/Aries am the one he has always wanted to be with but life/stress take a toll and you are the "outlet" fantasy to escape from the reality he really wants but can't always make work. My family are struggling with his decision what are we too dowe are in too deep.. As a Scorpio woman this seems like so much work. I have a friend that fits exactly what you described. So we talked pretty intently-but about politics and ethnics, his favorite stuff. The Aries woman traits constitute qualities like enthusiasm and an extremely confident outlook. I was married before too, and even when I was younger and single would NEVER have put up with this crap. This is the combination between air and fire. I'm ok with him not being interested, but he will not tell me he's not. IM not calling or texting him either. So the big question is: do I contact him and try to find out WHY, or just leave him be and hope he comes back around? He has a lot of people wanting his time. He always talked about putting a ring on it. Worse I don't think I can deal with these periods where I am being made to feel like I'm his nextdoor neighbour, mate or sister. He replied to a few texts & ignored the rest. The only reason we did have a conversation via text is because I contacted him but other than that I haven't heard anything. Quite frankly, I prefer my solitude to this mental immaturity. The most common features of soulmate relationships. Because then you'll be very confused when he suddenly disappears or brushes off invitations to spend time with you. This time he wasnt & I felt so wounded that I unleashed on him & accused him of using me to satisfy his ego, of not loving me but loving the way I made him feel as a man & accused him of having sex with that woman. Thanks for the insight. As one of the Fire signs in the zodiac, he is definitely irresistible, charming to the opposite sex. Anyway, we started spending a lot more time together & the sex was amazing. By understanding someone and how they view things it's easy to make yourself more attractive to them. An Aries man backs out of a relationship when he falls out of love. Hes got this thought in his head that hes not good enough for you, and sooner or later someones going to steal you away. Really I dont mind taking it slow, knowing Im making a wise informed decision (vs falling head over heels immediately) but he also sends mixed signals. we are beautiful people, this could be our dream come true, or at the least we will inspire each other as great sexy friends, cheer us on!!! he dumped me! You don't want inconsistency in your life, trust me. All these signs have somewhat the same interests and it makes understanding an Aries woman easy. This all makes it hard to see where you stand with him. He knows i dont struggle to meet men, but i do not behave vein, i always dress well and beautify but i keep natural.. i have a lot going for me, i drive a nice car and career and house is in top rank, so perhaps he thinks i may be of use but then he appears a bit nervous as he did at the start like he has no confidence around me but im certainly not a great lover of boys.. Any aquariuses that can shed some light would be apprecisated buti cannot say id be interested in going on but believe me, i wont chase the man or entertain his rubbish.. phones can be hung up quickly in a decent manner and abrupt conversations can be ended.. I wanted to sort this before any misunderstanding happened so wanted to meet him. So much good insight into the Aquarius male. Are you in a roller-coaster relationship with a passionate Aries man? Everything is a competition. Any who. They usually have a big group of friends because they are very quirky. No matter which perspective you look from in this situation, the Aries male always yearns to do what he wants, and this ends up stirring some conflicts between him and his partner. Its a confidence issue, and theres really nothing you can do about it. my head is spinning i let him know i was developing feelings.duh. I had little time for him and wanted to take my time as I really didn't want or need at this time to meet someone because of things I am currently going through in my life. This being nice and not trying to hurt anybody is so ridiculous. They want you to be different. He seems to lack perspective, emotional maturity/intelligence, internal locus of control, self-awareness & communication skills. We provide resources that help you in your relationship, marriage, and dating life. Cause i was holding on 2 hope 4 us when he was doing him. They loathe boredom and a routine thus needs someone who can always keep her busy and motivated in doing new things. Hi ladies! It's been a month and no word from him. The first time he gave me a hug & kissed my forehead. I have never tried so hard to accommodate another person in a romantic relationship. And for better or worse, they are there to impress. The next day he was acting shady & I discovered he was in the company of another woman while he was ignoring me..this all happened in real time. I've noticed that all the Aquas who have taken interest in me were very quiet about their feelings and distanced themselves(from my best friend to a guy I've know 10yrs), but stalkerish at the same time. Thus signs like Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius work well with an Aries. Well, overall this pairing will make a good couple. A new book, a new project, a new hobbythey will initiate without overthinking. As if things weren't already bad enough! I think they need to grow up and know that the world doesn't revolve around them and that they need to give to get. We're Talking About Hey There Ariens And Fellow Arien Lovers! They care for others but it is important for them to look for their own benefits first. Never ask him where he was, who he was with, what he's been doing. This can take many forms, ranging from persistent evasiveness and refusal to be pinned down, to the worst case scenarios of deliberate lying, cheating and infidelity. I was reading some of the comments and I couldn't help but adding one myself. I've told him we need to have a one-on-one talk before we get serious with one another because there are some things, like I've mentioned here, I won't tolerate. His curiosity would wear off if you stress him out. 21 years of experience solving real problems for real couples. Thank for responding to my question, but still it is not good enough for me. You decide to catch his attention and build his attraction for you by making yourself more appealing to him. I wasn't looking for anything I wasn't supposed to meet him and I told him that. So I have to stick to my guns. She may lose her patience easily, but Aquarius man can be patient enough for the two of them. Next, he avoids making any concrete plans at all. But the other qualities that make them an Aries sometimes overshadow this side of an Aries woman. If you've known this man for a bit, you should be in on his ways by now. but it is an exhausting game w/ no guarantee that you will get to where you really wanna be w/ them. says. Aries woman's characteristics make her a hyper-independent, a natural leader with a powerful ability to inspire and motivate her team. They seek a lot of affection because inside their hearts they are very vulnerable and need the support of their loved ones. Another aries woman I am an Aries woman in love with a younger Aquarius man. weird and ridiculous. Begin the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is young at heart. Thank you! Avoid arguments before they start and turn your differences into strengths. The sex is amazing but don't know how much longer I can keep seeing him. How? He is in Vegas. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Many thanks and good luck to you all. The Rams dont let anyone stand in their way. Im dealing with the same thing! Ive been dating this gorgeous guy for 9 months, we hit it off straight away, met each others kids and he recently met my parents. Any Aquarius men with Aries women? When he has NEVER caught me doing a thing. It never bothered me bc he was always honest with me about it. Copyright 2023. The next few days we talked once a day and then all of a sudden I didn't hear from him at all. Now he doesnt come around as much. and I think I will do better to date other men for a while and leave him alone. We declared our love for each other and I felt I would be with him for the rest of my life however, he would not add me as a friend on Facebook, met his ex girlfriend for dinner and went missing for long periods of time! All about Ignoring an Aquarius Man (How, Why, When), 5 Aquarius Spirit Animals that Perfectly Represent the Sign, How to Thoroughly Impress an Aquarian Man in Bed. I love him so much more than I let on. When he backs off, you back off. ( I am an aries ) and my patience has been tested to a degree where I have questioned my own sanity !! When I dated men in my younger years, b4 I married my husband who I have now separated from, I wud've brushed this type of guy aside as I wudn't have had the patience to play along with their apparent games and I certainly wud never have done the chasing! Impulsive, they will jump into a fight, attacking others and defending themselves. Let us know where we stand, we will appreciate it so we don't waste time with you Aquarians! And what the hell is wrong with me that I feel this much for someone who isnt REALLY giving me a reason to? They temper one another and, as time passes, the connection between Aquarius man Aries woman only gets better. He does it all. He said, he is seeking clarity as to whether he wants to push forward in this or not. He's logging it all awayhow much you have in common, what you want to get our of dating him, if your future goals align. i cant stand it and i think he is serious so i should give him another change, and after a month we got together, he said "we need to tal" he said i still same i still funny and cute but he is just doesnt love me as much as before! Im dealing with the same thing since June 2017. Well, after feeling like "I" need to watch what I say, how I say it, when I say itblah, blah, blahI've made a decision that it's just way too much work, and too frustrating to do this, and being an Aries, I march to the beat of my own drum, and to HAVE to try and do all this just to have someone in my life is utterly ridiculous to me, and I've just had enough!!! They'll always want to be around you, suggesting things that relay you spending quality time with him. my first love (aqua) has come back into my life. It still hasn't affected me. So its truly his loss. Like you said, miss the person that treated me like his woman. Learn how your comment data is processed. I posted here a couple of months ago when the aquarius guy I had just started dating (although I have know him for over a year and we knew we liked each other a long time ago) and still am dating I THINK? Im not trying to discourage you from continuing your relationship but seriously seriously consider what I have written. I hate Aquarius men they are cruel and i hope and pray every day that he will feel the way I did. For one-on-one astrological guidance, check out my $25 Q&A service. The Aquarian man is pretty fickle with his time and attention. I feel the same way. We were both in relationships with others every time we got together, but it always just felt so natural & right. But he started making excuses & avoided meeting. I was the reason for our problems. Ive never told him the true depth of my feelings bc I dont want to overwhelm him. When an Aries man disappears, just let him be! Aries Ascendant - 4 years. he never called or messaged me and i thought that was so weird because i could have sworn we had a ridiculous connection. Aries woman is a very strong character and is very charismatic. Understanding your Venus signand that of your bae (or bae-to-be)can help you find your way to a partner who is divinely suited to your romantic needs. though, i heard males are more prone to cheat, but like i said everyone is different. But in this post, Ill be covering all the signs that the Aqua mandoesnt like you. Please enter your mobile number to Login/Sign Up on Astroyogi, OTP has been sent to you on your mobile number. Theres nothing wrong with being competitive. And worse, sometimes they are not even aware. But anyway will he come back around? i met an A 4 months ago, he asked for my phone number and called and we've been going out no sex but long stimulating conversations, meeting up once a week, him being very affectionate, me not so much, I am a sagittarius, not so fond of commitment either, then he stopped calling, i called once all seemed OK, i called again a week later he suggested we met but never called so I called another week later and asked whether he did not want me to call again and he said no why would you say that, but then he never called and when I saw them by chance I was a bit angry and said so and told them they lied to me and me and they said NO! What do you think of that Aquarius man who wrote this article? He will feel the need to dominate any situation; and if he wants you back, he will get in touch with you. It's exhausting!! One day of all the sudden I confronted him about a lady he was talking on FB and he cut me and did not call me ever again. Our sex life , friendship seemed to be totally amazing. If I start to sense my Aqua guy is giving me the runaround I'm Audi 5000, no regrets. Ghosting you will be the most likely route he'll take to get rid of you, short of telling you outright that he's not into you. He seems to be very sweet one day but may become hot-tempered on the next day his moody behavior frustrates you because you dont know what youve done to him. In fact, they are the things we can work on to make us a better person, the room for improvement. Anyway..he just recently did the disappearing thing on me in the middle of texting, and I'm just leaving him alone, and getting on with my life because this constant up and down, back and forth roller coaster ride is way too annoying and frustrating for me to try and pursue any longer. A few days ago, he thanked me for my patience, and let me know it goes a long way. It helped me uderstand aquarian men more. So what should you do if an Aquarian man isnt into you? . I should of cued in then. hes charming but he has sharp tongue! As a passive feminine sign, Taurus men are receptive. I will not deal with this again. Her "just do it" way of living sparks him to act on his dreams and imaginings. Being a Libra my emotions took over and I texted him to say hi, still nothing, so I sent him a nice message and still nothing. Maybe I allowed us to become intimate too soon?! Page 2: Discuss Aries And The Famous Disappearing Act In The Aries Forum. Find out to see whether he actually likes you by taking this quick free quiz, Your email address will not be published. Giving you time is like giving you flowers. Or, should you just give him space? If needed, I can lay everything out. One minute hes all over me, wanting to spend time, then the next time I see him, he treats me like we just met yesterday! You have to be strong and attention giver if you want to attract an Aries woman. rather than make me feel like i'm not good enough, not sexy enough, have done something wrong, has to tread on eggshells etc etc which is exactly how I feel. They are very independent and fun to spend time with. He once told me that when he doesn't want someone anymore he just stops talking to them. But damn when the hell do they give a damn about your feelings or do they ever? It hurts so much to have someone waltz back in and tear the walls it took you a while to build in a couple of seconds. I can't talk for all of them, of course, and I'm not saying that this is even the right answer. Have you felt like hes kept you on the sidelines in his social life? If you've been with a Pisces for quite a while, you're probably used to dealing . I will say this though, that one of the many things I DO like about an Aquarius is how they are clingy and super needy, and for me this a huge plus, but then that "super detachment" thing they do comes into play, and you have to decide just how much of this you can take because it's tough to not get any, if much, feedback on how they feel about youlife must go on!! I was really into him and he was really into me. I wouldnt say to do this with most of the guys in the zodiac. We have gone 2-3 years with no contact whatsoever & then out of the blue he would contact me & we would get together, hang out, have sex & part ways until the next time. However I am starting to fall for one guy who is 2 years younger than me. I keep reading all these posts about how they run away, or how they need to trust you first, or test you - and I fell for it. They're not difficult people they just want to be love this is hard for them to but I understand and I'm willing to take a chance with thank you. But the moment that he seemed to care he backed off. It's a LDR have known him for a yr and yes I do love him! I feel like telling him to forget it right now but I know that I'll melt as soon as I hear from him and its just so out of character for me, i'm usually much stronger. I do hope all of my articles here can help you understand more about Aries natives generally. It's easy to do. A man with this zodiac sign is quite good at expressing his emotions physically. Trust me, he has others. I just ignore him back. Required fields are marked *. Everywhere they go, they bring their own spotlight. Can Aquarius Man and Aries Woman Make a Promising Couple? Even if theyre sad, they act like theyre angry. There is a caveat: If he does this, he might still be into it but has genuinely become preoccupied. He just looked at me for a minute, grabbed my boob but stopped himself, gave me a kiss & told me he loves me. Playing the same game with a 50 year old Aquairus who act like a little lost boyHe found me searched me out said I was his soul mate wanted to maary me, moved me back to Califonia, and 3 month after we moved back he lost his son, and said he needed time away which i gave him he moved out and comes and goes when he pleases , comes to do his laundry takes me to the beach make love and than poof i don hear from him for a weekWhen I just show up at his hide out he says I am freaking out and do it to myself. we were friends then intimacy started, Sex was unbelievable. He disappears often. First, he blows off your plans together. Been with my Aries man, for 6 months. It can very intense as they do or say things theyll regret laterfrom punching a wall to screaming hurtful things. Surely if any man wants you enough and they know that you want them too they will make the effort so WTF why should aquarius guys be any different? I just will never understand him. The talking phase of relationships has never been less stressful, because I always know where I stand. Am I wasting my time? Learn More About Aquarius Man Love Compatibilities. An Aries woman has a vitality that gives the languid Pisces man a boost. U would think being friends 1st, things would have been great in a relationship.
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