They thought their rituals of human sacrifice would make them invincible. Looks like La Flaca's wrists were duck taped and both bodies looked bruised as if tortured before death,P.S. Police still suspect there may be more victims who simply havent been found. What they didnt know was that Constanzo was bribing law enforcement officials so he could protect his clients. And of course, the nganga, which contained a stew of rotting flesh both human and animal including Kilroys brain. He admitted that his family grew cannabis at the Santa Elena Ranch outside of town, where Comandante Juan Benitez Ayala, of Mexicos Federal Police, discovered 75 pounds of marijuana. Police forced members of the Hernandez gang to help dig up the bodies of their victims.
Just like cult leader Jim Jones, who took his life and made his 900+ followers do the same, Adolfo Constanzo couldn't take responsibility for his actions. To keep creating He was taken back to the ranch, possibly tortured and sodomized, then slain by Costanzo with a machete chop to the backof his head, according to New YorksDaily News. All Rights reserved. Stock photos, 360 images, vectors and videos. But the marijuana was a major offense. Required fields are marked *. which video is that? It's like the condemned man being led to the electric chair, what goes through his mind as he's taking those steps? Huddleston and Moore were fellow UT juniors, while Martin studied at Alvin Community College. An initial search of the property turned up 65 pounds of marijuana and a ritual shed which contained Constanzosnganga. All four were closely bonded and had known each other since high school basketball in Santa Fe. But it soon became clear that Marks case was different. While the Kilroy family was finally able to achieve closure, the families of Constanzos other victims didnt have the benefit of two national police forces and media helping them. Adolfo named himself El Padrino de Matamoros - The Godfather of Matamoros and gave Sara the nickname La Madrina, Spanish for godmother. A ritually sacrificed chicken in a pot at a cult run ranch in Matamoros, Mexico. They offered a $15,000 reward. He holds dual bachelor's degrees from Pace University and a master's degree from New York University. He readily admitted that he and his brothers had kidnapped him and taken him to the ranch at the behest of El Padrino (the godfather). The dismembered remains of three persons were found in coolers, one identified as Joselyn Alejandra Nio, a sicaria operating in Rio Bravo. The 100 Greatest TV Shows of All Time Their bodies turned up later with fingers, toes, ears, brains and even (in one case) the spine missing. When the group decided to leave and started walking toward the border, Mark wanted to visit a bathroom, but his friends decided to wait in the car just across the border. Omar Orea Ochoa and never would have happened to a man even he had worked a NORMAL job either. conflict has resulted in heavy causalities on both sides. When Kilroy was brought to the ranch, Constanzo murdered him. Mugrozzzozzz y Golfas par de secusecuestradores, abusivos, mal pagados y corrientes! Jim Schutze. As the manhunt for Constanzo saw police close in, he had one of his followers shoot him before he could be arrested. The graves containing the mutilated remains of 15 people. El Soldado Perdido. 20. As Breitbart Texas previously reported, the cartel war is being fought by members of Los Ciclones, which are based in the Mexican border city of Matamoros, and the Metros, who are based out of the border city of Reynosa. Lmfao Pobre gente tapada pendeja y todo por creerse de los pinche corridos. Determined not to go to prison, he handed a gun to follower Alvaro de Leon and ordered him to open fire on him and Martin Quintana. Previously no one cared about the missing drug dealers, figuring they were the victims of an ongoing drug war. They threw him in the back of their van and drove a few blocks away to wait for the other car driven by their brothers. On April 11, American and Mexican authorities discovered Kilroy's body, as well as the remains of 14 other homicide victims, buried on a ranch in . In addition to the driver, Elio Henandez Rivera, several other men at the ranch were arrested, including Serafn Hernandez and an elderly caretaker. Sara Aldrete, Elio Hernandez, and Serafn Hernandez were convicted of multiple murders and given prison sentences of over 60 years each. Once across the border, they rendezvoused with their dates at a club called Sgt. He and his brothers had gone out to the bars, wading through the thousands of American tourists, looking for a victim that fit El Padrinos criteria. On 14 March 1989, University of Texas at Austin student Mark James Kilroy was kidnapped in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico while vacationing during spring break. Elio Hernndez Chin-gao! Two days later investigators called in a hypnotist in the hope of turning up some clues. The cults first victims were rivals in the drug trade,members of other gangs,or corrupt cops, who were brought back to the ranch where they were tortured and ritualistically slain. When classes let out on March 10, 1989, Kilroy and three friends traveled to. Ayala was listening. "She's got a delicious looking midrif." Thats messed up! El Padrino, the officers would soon learn, was Adolfo de Jess Constanzo. Tragically, inebriated tourists like Mark Kilroy were ideal targets. The Devil's Ranch revealed the details of a twisted cult: horrific scene of murder, torture and human sacrifice. yea the bruise are from planks or bats. There, Lt. George Gravito took their statements. Eventually, Kilroy said goodnight to his female friend, and the four youths started walking back toward the bridge. to all that support Los Ciclones. missing college student Mark Kilroy. 9:35AM, don't some of these guys have a little munch on the corpses after a hard day whacking their enemies, comegente and all that, anyhow "she *had* a delicious looking midriff" isn't that a better way of putting it? [7], The Discovery Channel series Most Evil, by Dr. Michael Stone, profiled Constanzo in the 10th episode ("Cult Leaders") of the second season. Finally, Constanzo was shot dead. He became their high priest and further enmeshed himself in their operations, performingritualistic animal sacrifices that he claimed would help their business prosper and protect them from police and bullets, according to theChicago Tribune. The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time Believing his magic spells were responsible for the success of the cartels, Adolfo made a proposition to one of the most powerful families he knew - the Calzadas. Yet the tall Mexican woman had been working with Constanzo for years, luring victims and recruiting new members. The shack containing Kilroys brains was burned to the ground, while Aldrete and four other cult members received prison sentences between 30 and 60 years.,, List of serial killers by number of victims, "The Mexican Press and Civil Society, 19401976: Stories from the Newsroom, Stories from the Street", "Drugs, Death and the Occult Meet In Grisly Inquiry at Mexico Border", "The main page in Discovery Channel website, the official source to Most Evil series",,, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2014, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, The Godfather of Matamoros (El Padrino de Matamoros). As a teenager, he became apprenticed to a local sorcerer and began to practice a religion called Palo Mayombe, which involves animal sacrifice. Good this bitch thought she was the shit now shes in pieces. A series of photos have emerged claiming to show dismembered bodies in Mexico. This time, though, they parked their car on the American side of the border and walked across the bridge to Calle Obregon. Buried among 14 others in a ranch outside Matamoros, he had been raped and dismembered by a group of Satanic drug-traffickers. Kilroys legs were amputated, and his brains found in a shack boiled in a pot with a roasted turtle. Their confusion turned to genuine concern by dawn, and Kilroys disappearance officially became a missing persons case. plans and enthusiasm Tall and athletic, with sandy blond hair, he attended the University of Texas in Austin, where he was studying to become a doctor. matamoros Reviewed in the United States on December 7, 2015 the facts and some conclusions about Matamoros. None of the officers dared to search the shed any further. RMBAEF6C - Spain, Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO, St. James statue, Matamoros killing Saracens. Along the way the friends stopped at a hamburger joint and hooked up with a foursome of Kansas coeds who were looking for directions to Matamoros. Adolfo Constanzo and Martin Quintana dead in closet. Constanzo, in a state of paranoia, began burning all his cash on the stove and flinging wads of cash and coins out to the street below. SEEING THIS MAKES ME APPRECIATE HUMILITY, HONESTY AND CIVILITY IN ALL HUMAN BEINGS. The story unravelled when an American pre-med student named Mark Kilroy vanished in 1989 on the streets of Matamoros, Mexico. Check out my YouTube channel:, 1,400 Matamoros Tamaulipas Premium High Res Photos Browse 1,400 matamoros tamaulipas stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. La Mas Brava Was Wera Loca De Sinaloa Operando En Tampa, Ay wera vivo en tampa soy de durango Dame trabajo. So creepy, behind tweety bird to the right there is a shilouet of a mini devil!!! "Adolfo Constanzo: The Narcosatanists & The Matamoros Cult Killings". June 29, 1989.
of three persons were found in coolers, one identified as Joselyn Alejandra Nio, a sicaria operating in So is there a main leader of all CDG right now? Speaking casually, with no hint of remorse, Serafn detailed the last hours of Kilroys life. The search for Mark Kilroy started as a routine missing-persons case. The source indicated that the yet unidentified man was dumped behind a hotel in the outskirts of Matamoros. (Where a woman's place truly is). matamoros killings photos. Kilroy parked his car in the border town of Brownsville, with the group eager to meet girls and let loose as they crossed the bridge into Matamoros, Mexico. Constanzos mother believed her son to be a chosen one and performed rituals dedicating him to various gods or spirits and invoking their protection. Richard Ramirez and the twisted Night Stalker murders. He also took up with a young woman named Sara Aldrete, who became the high priestess of the cult. including the body of missing college student Mark Kilroy.
"Ciclones operating in Matamoros. GAFE in Reynosa and Ciclon 7 in matamoros. Twelve human bodies were found at the cult site, including the body of The consul assured the boys that Kilroy had probably wandered off and passed out and that he was sure to turn up soon. The Accommodation: The Politics of Race in an American City. The cult was lead by Adolfo. He was taken by his abductors to a ranch where he was tortured and sodomized for hours before being murdered in a human sacrifice ritual. @ 04/18/15 at 13:51 :yesI must admit; I'm no exception when speaking about how one can almost never have enough in the holster :-(, but one doesn't need much to have fun, anyway You think I might be too small for you? The apartment where they stayed was quickly discovered and surrounded by policemen. Anybody notice the tweedy bird in the background?? Looking inside, they spotted candles, an altar, a large cauldron, and other items they associated with brujera. Alex Murdaugh Found Guilty of Murdering Wife and Son