Please, give him a chance." However, things become more complicated when he discovers he has magic. Carlosdevil Stories - Wattpad He found a family in the children of Maleficent, The Evil Queen, and Jafar. In which Carloss fear of rejection gets in the way of confessing his feelings to Jay;Evies love for her friends accidentally makes this worse;And Jays general lack of understanding emotions just adds fuel to the forest fire. Just don't let yourself be consumed by your secrets, as these four are. A small change can result in major differences. A few years later, Fairy Godmother accidentally summons them to Auradon because of Ben. & The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree right? ", NOTE: This is a prewritten fic, and so there will be one chapter updates every week on Wednesday/Thursday (depends on your time zone.). Cruella De Vil, who was a brilliant woman, and a wonderful mother. When Carlos and his friends Mal, Jay and Evie are taken to Auradon, his friends have a plan to steal fairy godmothers wand, and since Carlos is a great friend (though none of the VKs would ever say it out loud) he wants to help them steal the wand and bring it back to their parents. So I had a lot of fun writing this especially writing Audrey. However, the spell comes with a couple of prices which include aging down the descendants and they face a new foe: The Wicked Witch from Oz. I restarted the fic and drafted the old chapters into the first chapter labeled 'draft', the new story begins on the second chapter. After watching Descendants 3 and scrolling through Tumble, I too came to the conclusion that no one is straight and this fic was born. The chaos could hardly get any worse. Carlos shook his head, his own eyes stinging. Ben/Uma (Disney: Descendants) - Works | Archive of Our Own But what if She had Another Child? Or will they find a place for themselves in Auradon? From the shores of Motunui, a new student joins Auradon Prep. Her and Her Brother have an Idea about giving the Children of Isle of the lost a chance (completed) Compared to me whose awkward and is only good at bitchin about the latest, thing that's set me off she's very sweet and funny and approachable which is, why she has the amount of followers she does. Jay was a happy camper, is all Im saying. And c Meet Bella, The Daughter of Belle and Adam. The Villian Kids on the Isle of the Lost don't have a lot, they were born into this world at a disadvantage. After reuniting for a single night of passion Harry and Evie have once again been separated. btw chad starts off as an asshole but gets a redemption arc, United States of Auradon (Disney) Is Not Perfect, other characters get focus and kinda mini arcs, but the bulk of everything is about the core 4, im so bad at tagging im so sorry everyone, i can't call him a villian that means smthn else lol, im making an attempt to be better at tagging but it isn't going well, i really don't think it's high enough for an m, but pls heed the warnings i don't wanna make anyone uncomfortable. she doesn't give off he was so enchanted by her. Jay comes back to the dorm and finds Harry and Carlos in an interesting situation. Which allowed for the stolen children to be returned. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Carlos biggest want was not to be face to face with Cruella. "You don't even What if just before the villains got sent to the isle, Elsa became pregnant with Hades' child? Fanfiction Romance Ben Jay Mal Evie Carlos Uma Camelot Descendants Oc King Aurthur Auradon Descendants 2. . I really, desperately would like some requests. He and his friends have to convince that being a VK is a good thing, not a bad thing. Instead, the villains escaped the Isle of the Lost and are wreaking havoc in Auradon. Uma is forced to cooperate with Aurdon and have a punishment from King Ben and then gain trust of the Isle. Mason's best friends are, Chris De Vil, Jason Agrabah, Daniela Grimhilde, Lola Agrabah, and Eric Grimhilde. Descendants Ben Stories | Quotev How unfortunate it was that the two's visible attraction to one another at their first meeting took place right in front of Mal. Descendants | Shipping Wiki | Fandom Carlos had caught the flu badly and a certain pirate surprisingly takes the responsibility to look after him and take care of him. I'll never forget the way she and her stans treated Mani. ( all rights to disney ). she raised her hands into a confident clap. Did I close my fist around something delicate. Past Cruella de Vil/Dr. Disclaimer: I do not own Descendants or it's characters or the media in this fic. While never made official, Uma has become the de facto leader of the Isle of the Lost since Maleficent was defeated. Well, she never followed them before, why would she now? He had yet to tell Jay, and was pretty sure he wasn't going to. Audrey & Uma (Disney) Uma (Disney) Carlos de Vil. Harry Hook (portrayed by Thomas Doherty) is the middle child of Captain Hook . BRUH!! Descendants Fanfiction | FanFiction I write for: Ben Mal Evie Jay Carlos Jane Harry Uma Gil Chad Audrey Basically Anyone In 1,2 and 3. She also appears as one of the tritagonists in the fourth novel Escape From The Isle of The Lost. Hormones had boarded the ship that night as well. and like an actual character arc and stuff!! Ce n'tait pas tout le temps qu'ils en servaient la cantine. Years ago, on the . I could be missing out on some quality. Descendants Imagines - Carlos/ X Reader - Wattpad Rating: M14Includes- Sex/Nudity- Language- Gore/Some kind of Violence- Dark Magic. ____________________ three of these people are just mentioned. found the writing to be solid. Ben was brought forward and cut loose. Now, Orion Marmoral Blanc is eighteen and the barrier has been dropped by newly-crowned Queen Mal and her husband, King Ben. If only to have a servant underfoot. Cruella De Vil was a kind hearted woman who was stern, yet kind. -cocainesidebooby A reboot from my old account Lovegirl112345 She serves as the main protagonist in the Descendants film trilogy, the first three novels and the animated spin off series Descendants Wicked World. Number 4 #booboostewart 18/08/19 She was pissed sure because how dare they forget her, but Uma couldn't let this new opportunity go to waste. "I have to be the perfect princess; I will be queen one day I can't let my feelings You are Aladdin & Jasmine's 16 year old daughter. Dizzy, daughter of Drizella. Three years after the original V.K.s crossed over, sometime after Descendants 3. descendants fanfiction carlos kidnapped by harry. When Mal and the other VKs leave and never return, Magnolia feels nothing but betrayal. Carlos de vil is so done. was he his, but that's all people could see. Will she fall in hate or love with the boy? Descendants Oc | Quotev Secrets and fears lurk around each corner and Zelena must decide if sharing her burdens is worth the fallout it might cost. But what happens when he falls in love with someone he shouldn't? I was unlucky to be into two girl groups where members turned, out to be racist shitheads. They had been taught pure lies. -Ingrid Bergman. His mother was nothing but abusive and he couldn't escape constant sexual abuse from someone he trusted. She is the daughter of Ursula. Meet Rosalie Fitzherbert. So it's a very dark story, not at all Disney friendly. Harry Hook x Evie, Harry Hook x Uma, Jay x Audrey, Carlos x Jane, and even Hades x Evie. I love her so much, but I can't let her know that." Please consider turning it on! Hear a tale more twisted than any fairy godmother would tell of the Disney Descendants and Once Upon a Time. Only time may tellan Maddy, daughter of Maleficent, was furious when her sister and friends went to Auradon. She is very sweet, creative, and jumpy. Carlos wants nothing more than to finally feel at home, and Ben is the closest thing he has to one. With Mal as a flighty Queen to be, Ben searches for avenues undiscovered to get answers. Princess Arabella had always stared at the Isle of the Lost feeling like sh [UNDER EDITING] Harry Hook mini ficIt was dark.Dark and cold.Wind whistled as it surrounded the desolate darkness Harry found himself stuck in.pitch black tar pulled at his legs and hands, threatening to drag him down till he was nothing but that darkness.or Harry finds his light when he moves to Auradon. Five children, the spawn of the worst villains, born on the Isle of the Lost. Carlos just feels like he's babysitting teenagers, I suck at summaries I promise the actual fic is not that bad. Youre a lifesaver and I love you. Carlos made his choice. Mal hears too well, the sound presses in around her. She was the daughter of B in which charlotte carrera finds herself more conflicted than she has ever been in her entire life After what his Mother did? Too bad his version of the gummy didnt work the same as Mals. Founder: Rosie2009 - Stories: 42 - Followers: 39 - Staff: 1 - id: 124230 . a vk and an ak? Daughter of Rapunzel and Flynn Rider, that's who Ria Rider was known as. Ever since he had left for Aurodon with Mal, Evie and C " If you knew better you would do better." ", In the De Vil house, it wasnt the mother who yelled and berated her son, but rather the son who frightened his mother so much, that she let him have anything he ever wanted. Who is is that someone? Please, give him a chance." The story is the only thing I own. Ela tem uma katana de diamante escondida em um lugar secreto que s ela sabe onde fica. repercussions as if he didn't have a mother that verbally abused him. Prompt: "Audrey and Carlos interactions, something about food (since she was the one who had the limo stuffed with sweets).". C'est dommage que tu ne le fasses pas. Just a little collection of shorty shortstorys about Jay and CarlosIdeas from Pinterest Writing Prompts. The Isle of the Lost was covered with cameras to keep an eye on the Villains. Carlos, a descendants, 2015 fanfic | FanFiction Number 1 #sarahjeffrey 23/08/19 Harry has always wanted a shipmate. The future and hope of the kingdom. Evie Of The Isle Chapter 5: Back to The Isle, a descendants fanfic Prince Ben, son of Belle and her Beast, decides to invite four children of infamous villains to attend school with him at Auradon Prep: Uma, Harry, Dante and Quinn. Carlos was anxious when he found out he would be roommates with the Radcliff's son. She was going to do something about it. Blog Home Uncategorized descendants fanfiction carlos kidnapped by harry. Fairy tales dont end with Happily Ever After and none of them will admit that things are darker than they portray. "You miss her." Mal scoffed at Uma's . Well, either she face him or give up her title as pirate captain and there was no way she was doing the latter. Ben and Mal just got married (everyone is 19, save for Carlos who is 18), and they're hoping to have a peaceful time as a newly and happily wed couple. A Descendants and Carlos de Vil x fem!oc book, meaning I make a character, you play them, your love interest is . . On the isle, caring for your child was considered weakness, another societal rule. Harry is known for his rogue-ish nature, his blood lust and vengeance made him notoriously famous on the Isle. So please give em! And Queen of Mean is fuckin IT. Lucifer's life has really changed. I need for that phrase to either be retired altogether or to only be used when, the artists in discussion are of color and haven't done any offensive shit, cuz the way it boils my blood that y'all niggas out here tryna act like twitter, comin together to say that Mani is better than that demon girl is misogynistic, Lmao the way I smile every time I remember Sabrina comin to me annoyed about, someone leaving a comment suggesting she write a M/luma fic. Descendants Smut/ Fluff - EmoTionLess - Wattpad Harry Hook/Carlos de Vil - Works | Archive of Our Own Combine that with a sudden quest to Wonderland to restore the natural balance of magic before everything can fall to pieces, and Evies got a lot on her plate. | Yes, my teeth, and ambition's are bared; be prepared! Ben lives his life unaware of his original parentage and tries to survive as best as he can, surrounded by the villains his parents had wanted to keep away from him. Hunter de vil is the oldest. Leave a comment on either the first or second chapter to claim a prompt. But this time she has a plan, to use her new position as Royal adviser to bring over more villain kids, namely Harry and Gil. Wondering how could anyone truly love him. like you were the ocean and he was desperate to drownorUma and Harry during the missing moments of D3 and the following events. After the battle with the enchanted knight's armor, events went a little differently than expected.And besides all the other problems, there was Harry, who Evie said had obvious interest in Carlos. Not then, not now. She loves to perform her songs to students at What will happen to (Y/n) Radcliffe when the son of her parents greatest enemy comes to Auradon Prep? Why? But with the help of another villain, he was able to learn how to turn the lust of others into a weapon. "He is just like his mother!" He is older then you. When you were younger, someone cursed you. "I am, after all, the rightful heir to the throne. I sunk low in my seat. Lol we love, to bond over our mutual dislike of that white girl. A reject of Prince Ben's program. Props to my friend for being my unpaid, unofficial editor, my official cheerleader, and the one who knows how characters would actually respond so I no . Descendants is a Disney channel original film series. Also known as: That time Evie magically gave herself a dick and somehow got the validation and support she needed because of it. *DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN DISNEY DESCENDANTS, DISNEY PROPERTY, OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS WITHIN. An old castle in the midle of the sea, the house of the Duke. What the title said but my own au so going to be different. She had on objective to focus on, after all. Wicked, villainous, or despicable. and?". Evie's heart was torn. Follow Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay as they try to forget the harsh parts of their past and how they navigate their future, could the four friends have a new life and experience love and happiness or are they doomed to follow the same path as their parents, and become lost. Request Idc if it's 3:44am. He has to deal with his trauma, attention from the kingdom and some cute boys, and trying to figure out who he will be in Auradon. "I love you, Carlos," Jane said, looking at me. You can't judge a person by what you see on the surface. And the idea of Carlos hiding fromher, hurt a lot worse than she'd ever like to admit.". He told Mal and Evie not long ago, and they fully supported him. ), more to be added later (potentially). The isle, the Core 4 left for their freedom, will never leave the shadows of dark magic. Carlos De Vil has had a rough childhood, his boyfriend broke up with him, and a traumatic thing happened to him all before he went to Auradon. Will fate conspire to keep them apart?
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